Dr. Mandy Dietz

31: What Chiropractors Really Need To Know About Scoliosis

In this episode, Dr. Mandy shares insights on what chiropractors really need to know about scoliosis so you can provide the best care for your patients.

30: Post-Surgery Care for Scoliosis

In this episode, Dr. Mandy shares the tips you need to know for post-surgery care for Scoliosis.

29: The Lie of “There’s Nothing We Can Do”

In today’s episode, Dr. Mandy Dietz bravely confronts the lie of “there’s nothing we can do” so you can get solutions for your Scoliosis.

28: Don’t Need a Brace? Think Again.

Think you don’t need a brace for your scoliosis? In this episode, Dr. Mandy shares how bracing can have positive results for teens & adults with a mild diagnosis.

27: Consequences of Ignoring Scoliosis

Dr. Mandy Dietz from Life Expressions Family Chiropractic shares what it looks like when you ignore scoliosis and why it is a problem.

26: I Can’t Feel My Hands

It’s not normal to have numbness and tingling in your hands consistently. In this episode, Dr. Mandy sheds light on this issue.

25: Why Can’t I Poop?

Have you ever wondered to yourself, “Why Can’t I Poop?” It’s a common issue with scoliosis. Tune in as Dr. Mandy talks about how to fix it!

24: What’s This Hump On My Back?

In this episode, Dr. Mandy addresses a question she often hears in her office: What’s this hump on my back?

23: It’s Not Just Your Posture

Dr. Mandy gives you things to consider about your posture and scoliosis. It’s not just your posture – it could be something else.

22: What Happens After The Brace?

Dr. Mandy answers the question: What happens after the brace? Listen to this episode for things to consider after your scoliosis brace.

© 2021-2022 Mandy Dietz | Podcast Production by Nate Anderson with RAYMA Team Media, a division of RAYMA Team, LLC. Website Design by Mandy B. Anderson.